It might seem at first glance that the Indominus Rex will be the main antagonist of the film, as we saw in the trailer it is a perfect killing machine, slaughtering anything it see's for
fun. But as we saw in the first two movies the dinosaurs were never the antagonists at all, but the people who tried to steal them. From Dennis Nedry to Lewis Dodgson the humans caused the problem and in the first two movies both the antagonists were killed by a dinosaur, sure the raptors felt like the antagonist in the first film but they are just animals. In the first two movies you felt emotionally connected with the creatures, Jurassic Park three lacked this and wasn't as big of a hit as the first two movies. instead of making a human responsible it pit everything against the dinosaurs, every single one tried to kill them, there was no connection between the dinosaurs and main characters. The only friendly dinosaurs were simply placed in the background for a few cinematic moments. So did Universal realize it's mistake and pit us against a single human enemy or did they just make the Indominus Rex slaughter everything and everyone? Either way I'm going to see the movie.